Wednesday, October 23, 2013

apple compote

A friend of mine had these beautiful apples in her yard and just didn't know what to do with them all. I just thought, there are so many things we can do with beautiful, organic apples, so here is me sharing my first idea: apple compote.
So here is what I did:
I just put in a pan a glass of water and added about 2 kilos of beautiful apples, cleaned of both seeds and skin, cut in cubes.
Then, I tossed 3 table spoons of sugar, 2 tea spoons of cinnamon and 2 tea spoons of vanilla flavor into the pan.
The pan should be covered and from time to time, a gentle swirl will allow you to smell if the balance of flavors is at your taste.
It shouldn't need more than 30 minutes to be ready, and as I enjoy my compote quite smooth, I just mixed it all until the texture was just on the spot.
Needless to say, this is just yummee. Thank you A.

I used 2 different kind so we could taste different textures and smoothness's and I was very nice, you should try. Also, if you have a handful or two of sultanas, I reckon you could just put them in the pan just after the compote is mixed; I would recommend to leave the pan covered a few minutes before splitting it into ramekins so all the sultanas' flavors are released. 

Have it your way, and enjoy!

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